Monday, April 19, 2010

End of the line redone

I redid all of "End of the Line" over the weekend using the GS-10. It just sounds 100x better this way than using the VG-99. Everything is crisp and has no digital feel to it. Sustain is also a lot better. I don't know why that is, but it is!

This was liberating since I was able to pull back from using 10's on the high E. Why does that matter? Because 10's rip my fingers up. I used them because of the GK-3 pickup. Now that I have removed the GK-3 pickup from my main ax and put it instead on my secondary, my main ax is back to using 9's. They feel like butter.

I was so stoked about the new sound that I also went back and sang the song over again too. There was more punch to the vocals this time around, so that will help.

Now the song is off to Ron for adding in drums and percussion, and then for mixing. to re-recording "Wielder of the Blade" this week.

1 comment:

  1. I Don't remember "End of the line", but I do actually remember the title "Wielder of the Blade".

    Shall look forward to hearing these new masters anyway!
